Last Thursday was my last day as a senior. It’s hard to believe that I’ve completed my final days as a high school student, but I am SOOO happy to be done. Let me tell you, I’ve had enough of that school for the last twelve years of my existence. My last week was overall a pretty good week.
I finished with straight A’s and a 4.6 GPA for my senior year. I was worried about a few of my finals, but I did just fine and I’m really proud of this school year. I took six honors courses last semester and three this semester, so ended up with a 4.6 GPA.
I’m finishing 12th in my class of 306, which I am slightly bummed about. I was 11th before this semester, but I guess I didn’t take enough honors courses to move into the top ten or to even stay put. I finished with a cumulative 4.35 GPA.
I received Math Major Honors, Mu Ulpha Theta (math honors society), and Best of Class for French Honors Society. I received these awards and cords at the seniors awards night tonight. While I was happy I got these, I was also really bummed that I didn’t get any scholarships or athletics awards. I worked really hard on those scholarship essays and put a lot of time and effort into all eleven that I wrote. It’s hard watching all of your friends get scholarships and really high recognitions but getting none yourself…
“Long Live” by Taylor Swift was our senior song.
Something I was also really happy about because I love Taylor Swift and it’s very suiting. When they played it over the announcements, my and my friends were passionately singing it to each other.
My french teacher gave me a $1,000 scholarship for college. She gave the unaffiliated scholarship to the eight students in my French IV class that received A’s for the semester. Needless to say, we were all absolutely floored. I felt bad taking it, but she insisted. I am really, really touched that she did that for all of us. I’m really going to miss her but I’m glad I have all of the fun memories of going to Europe with her and having her as my star teacher.
I worked 35 hours, plus school. This was really the only negative of the week. One of my coworkers is out for maternity leave, so I was one of the main people that picked up her hours. I’m looking forward to my next paycheck because of it, but I was really exhausted the entire week. x_x
I created a Twitter account.Yeah, I caved. I had never before really seen the point of it, but I thought it would be useful to follow certain people and receive updates. I’ll probably get addicted to it. Feel free to follow me here!
I guess all I can say is I cannot wait for graduation on Saturday. I made a lot of friends and created a lot of memories that I will cherish from high school, but I really cannot wait to get out. I guess it’s just the depressed mood I’ve been in lately, but I just want to move on.