A couple weeks ago, my manager offered me the full-time position at my job! I have been a contracted worker for the last couple of months and my contract was originally due to complete at the end of three months, but they offered me the position almost a full month beforehand! HR had to complete another background check so I didn’t receive the official offer until about a week later. When I first started back in September, I wasn’t sure if I would accept the position if they offered it to me. But I’ve really come to enjoy working with all my coworkers and I think that it’s a great opportunity to gain some experience. So I accepted!
I had done some research beforehand regarding the average market salary for my position, as the temp agency originally told me that the pay would be a little bit less. So I came in prepared to negotiate for the market average, but was thrown off when they actually offered me the market average. It hadn’t occurred to me that they would offer me more than what the temp agency informed me, and since I was a bit thrown off I just went ahead and accepted it.
The more I thought about it, however, the more I feel I should have negotiated for more. I know one of my coworkers makes more than me and I currently have a lot more responsibilities even though I’ve been in my position for less time. But just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable! I don’t have always have a very assertive personality, so I’m wondering if I hurt myself in that regard. I also didn’t know if it was typical to negotiate on your first job. I am so new to these things!
After being unemployed for the summer, I’m really enjoying working full-time now. It took a little bit of adjusting after that time off, but I’m really getting into the groove of things now. While I’m still paying off loans and bills, the steady income is so nice compared to my college days when I felt like I never had money! While I know that I was working hard and towards my goals while I was in college, I really feel now like I’m getting closer each day to attaining those goals. I feel like Andrew and I are really starting to build our lives together.
It’s also been fun (though also slightly frustrating) expanding my wardrobe with more business professional work outfits. Finding comfortable and cute shoes that fit my really narrow feet has been a bit difficult, but I’m slowly starting to find a couple pairs that I can wear on the regular without killing my feet. Plus, who knew I could rock a cute pair of wine-colored heels all day! It’s been fun getting out of my comfort zone even with the type of clothes I typically wear.
Another thing I love about working is meeting new people. There are about fifteen of us in our department and almost everyone is a recent graduate, so I’ve been making a lot of new friends which is always welcome. In my normal day to day life, I don’t really meet a lot of new people, so being in a new job with new people and making new friends is really exciting. It makes me want to come to work each day and really enjoy being there.
So it’s been a busy but exciting November! I can hardly believe it’s already December, but I am so excited because Christmastime is my favorite time of the year! We set up our Christmas tree and bought a few more decorations since we have a house now – albeit we did all of this a little bit later than I would have liked, but it’s all up now!
Next on my list is to send out Christmas cards! If you’d like me to send you a card, feel free to privately send me your address and I’ll make sure to send you one!
Congratulations on getting that full-time position! I’m happy to see that your hard work paid off and you’re now an official employee with no contracts or anything :). It’s good that your work offered you a higher salary than what the temp agency told you. Even though you’re making less than your coworker, the experience you gain matters more (better job opportunities + salaries at the end). Do you have some sort of performance review where you get to negotiate your raise? That’s one opportunity :).
I feel you about having more money than the college days! Working at this new company forced me out of the comfort zone with business wear too but it’s something I’m willing to do for that $$$ XD. Keep on working hard, Becca! It’s awesome that you’re going places *firework emoji*
We do have annual performance reviews, so I might prepare a bit more for that – but I also have time as it will be a year away!
Thanks Nancy!!
Becca, congratulations!! I’m so happy for you!!
I’m still looking for a job actually. But, I technically started a new career path and got my certification in October so I’m feeling pretty good where I am at. I think I’ll get something full time in January. *fingers crossed*
I’ve been working at my father’s office (he’s a doctor) to get experience though!
That’s good you got the average market salary. Who knows you may get a raise or bonus this time next year?
Is your coworker that makes more than you a male? Males generally get paid more than females, just so you know.
If you want comfortable flats, I would recommend Sam Edelman flats. They’re super comfortable and cute. I have two pairs!
I recommended a really good book to you on Goodreads. You should read it!!
It’s better to do something that you enjoy, so I’m glad you found a different path that you think you will enjoy! Congrats on your certification!
My coworker is actually a female. But she is pretty outspoken and assertive (not in a bad away) so she probably just fought a bit more for her salary than I did.
I will have to look into them because my feet are killing me at the end of the day!
Also you can try Tory burch flip flops or sandals. I’m not one to be super into brands and I know they’re pretty pricey. But I literally wear them almost every day and they’re super comfortable! I don’t know how formal people dress at your company, but the flip flops I have are fancyish. I think they’re worth the money.
I always can find flip flops and sandals that I love – unfortunately we’re not allowed to wear them at work. All shoes have to be close-toed. It’s a pretty formal dress code.
but thanks for the suggestions!
Whoo hoo for the full-time offer! That’s fantastic that they offered it to you ahead of time! That means they like you and what you do
Don’t worry about the salary negotiation situation. Sure, you could have negotiated for more, but after being unemployed, it does put things into perspective for you, and you can’t help but just be thankful that you were able to get the market price. Better that than no job!
Also, I agree with Nancy! Sure, you’re making less than your co-workers, but focus on the experience and all the skills you are learning. I’m making way less than what I should be for someone with a master’s, but I’ve come to accept that sometimes you have to start at the bottom and then work your way up. My current job has taught me a lot, and I’m thankful for the skills I am learning and putting in my repertoire!
I’m thankful that my workplace is a bit more casual and doesn’t require me to wear business-wear. Heck, my boss is very casual, and I can get away with wearing my hoodies and Crocs at work, so that’s a win-win for me! Though if I have to be more formal, I will definitely up my dressing game.
Thanks Tara!! I am definitely thankful that I have a job and that I’m making more than I even thought I would, so it really isn’t too big of a deal. I’m definitely gaining some experience and just getting my foot in the door!
Oh my goodness, I am so jealous. I miss wearing jeans to work and pretty much whatever I wanted! It has been a struggle to say the least, haha. I feel weird even wearing my hair in a braid, which is my go-to lazy hair style. I just have to suck it up and do my hair every day.
Congrats on the full-time offer! That’s great that it was for more than you expected
I kind of kicked myself for not negotiating on my offer, but performance reviews are a good time to get that adjusted!
When it comes to salary, that can be an uncomfortable subject, but on the bright side, it’s something that can change. Even if someone starts higher than they should, that doesn’t always mean that they’ll move up much from there, especially if they don’t perform. You might have more potential down the road
I’d definitely keep it in mind, and ask about a raise later!
I’m glad that you’re liking full time work and are friends with your coworkers! Many of the people I hang out with now are coworkers, and it makes your job so enjoyable when you like the people you work with.
I should be sending my Christmas card to you soon!
Congrats ^^
Congratulations on the full-time position! It must be really great to have a steady income, i know how relieved I was when I got my job! I wouldn’t have asked for a higher salary either, I’d be too nervous, especially being so young. When I got my job I was so excited, that when they asked me if the pay was okay I was pretty much screaming ‘YES YES YES’ down the phone! I think the experience will be more valuable than the pay anyway, plus there’ll always be other times you can discuss pay.
I’d love to wear business wear, but we all just dress casually where I work, so I’d look pretty odd if I started dressing formally. Jobs are always a great excuse to buy new clothes!
Hope you’re enjoying December so far!
Congratulations on your full-time position! Adjusting to the full time routine in my placement work since August was quite quick for me because I was already working quite long 8 hour shifts in my retail job and when I wasn’t doing that, I had university which was more or less 9 – 5 everyday but without earning money so it’s a great change :-)
I’m glad you’re enjoying it though, I think meeting new people is always so much fun and is always perks of my job too. I get to network with so many inspiring students, recent graduates and people in industry.
Haha, my first month at work involved me wearing these very painful shoes everyday because my feet is small (size 3) I found it hard to find something suitable and I usually live in trainers all day! xD Luckily, I found one!
Excited to receive a card! I just sent yours
Yay!! Can’t wait to get yours! I sent yours a few days ago so hopefully you receive it soon!
Congrats on the job! I feel you with the assertive this,
I have trouble with that too. But from what you say it sounds like an awesome job.
I hate finding shoes. I’m often rather picky, plus my feet are on the wide side.
Congratulations on the new job ? First and foremost though, as a woman in tech who also encounters these feelings of “should I be assertive”, it’s a pretty shitty stigma that women who negotiate salary are “bitchy”. But look past it, because if you think you are worth more than average, then say you think you should be earning more and explain why. Perhaps your work is better than someone else who does similar tasks and you have more skills, so you feel you should have at least what they are having… as someone with a masters degree I was furious at my old employer for daring to give someone a higher salary when they had not even graduated. I should have the right to do that, and you should too.
It’s great you are looking forward to meeting new people though, teamwork can be very important depending on the job you’re doing, so you should definitely get along with your peers ?